I'm delighted to see "I'm Not Your Ordinary Fish" in the latest issue of SPANK the CARP. If you like my poem, please consider voting for it. As a result of readers' response when "Cypripedium" appeared in Pond 52 of StC (August 2019), I'm happy to say I was profiled in Pond 54.
Incidentally, I once again wish to draw your attention to the new tabs on the Great Encyclopedia's homepage. Links to Poems, which you'll find at the top of the homepage & sidebar, directs you, as you might expect, to a list of links to a good many of my poems. In addition, you can sample work from each of my full-length collections by clicking the Selections links below the book icons on the homepage sidebar.
Many thanks to all!
El Greco, The Annunciation, ca. 1596 |
Related: "Work in The Fear of Monkeys; Also, Dozens of New Links to Poetry"