New Poems

I’m pleased to announce that I have two new poems online: “Epilogue” appears in the July 2015 issue of Gyroscope Review & “Off to ’Nam,That’s Where” is in Issue 8 of Marathon Literary Review. Please feel free to share these links.

Many thanks to the editors of both Gyroscope Review & Marathon Literary Review.

Also, a recent broadcast of Books Unbound, a radio program on WFHB in Indiana, included a reading of my poem “Hole” in the episode “Not Somewhere Else But Here.” (Jump to the 9:15 mark to hear my poem, but when you have time, I recommend listening to the entire program.)  For the total coolness of hearing my poem over the radio, great thanks to all the good people at Books Unbound!

Addendum: While the link to broadcast is dead, you can listen to the reading of "Hole" (though, sadly, not the entire program) by clicking here.
