Loud Coffee Press Summer Issue: "Beach Blanket Bananas (1966)"

I'm delighted to see "Beach Blanket Bananas (1966)" in the latest Loud Coffee.  

You'll probably recognize at once the mimicry of cheesy sixties beach movies, the likes of which brought Annette & Frankie to fame, but you may not know that back in high school, I used to fancy myself a visual artist. Long drawn--no pun intended, as they say, though it obviously is--to surrealism, I sketched numerous sketches in my--what else?--sketchbook of half-peeled bananas variously posed on beach blankets by the sea. I'd intended to render the scene in a bright array of colors on canvas, a pretty standard course for my teen self, but perhaps sensing the seeming homoeroticism behind the humor, didn't. Anyway, even though I'm not what you'd call a confessional poet, I'll confess I really get a Paul Revere & the Raiders (featuring Mark Lindsay) kind of kick out of giving the poem, albeit unrelated, the title of my unrealized painting.

Many thanks to Fred & Annie & all the good folks at Loud Coffee Press. Although you can read the entire magazine online, you can, if you wish, purchase a hard copy & other merch here. Also, while you're browsing around the Loud Coffee site, maybe you'll want to read "Where Are You?" in the Spring 2021 issue..

Again, many thanks!
