I'm happy to have my poem "Cypripedium" in the latest issue of SPANK the CARP.

Not only do I believe revision is the key to good writing, but I enjoy the process.  "Cypripedium" came about as the result of combining poems, a method I frequently use when stuck.  I have a vault of discarded poems in varying degrees of completeness that I dive into if I run dry.  Revisiting these poems or snippets is like bumping into different people I used to know at different times in my life & catching up.  When I combine poems, I play the matchmaker who introduces those with similarities who may, in turn, have a go. Sometimes that's all that comes of it, & there's nothing wrong with that: every poem we write is necessary on our journey.  Of course, one hopes that the upshot of the experiment isn't some unnatural assemblage of parts, but rather that the union results in the successful marriage of ideas & feelings.

If you like the poem, please consider voting for it.  I'm not out to win a competition, but it feels good to know people enjoy my poems.

Many thanks to all!

Georgia O'Keeffe, An Orchid (1941)

For other recent poems, click here, herehere, & here.  
