If Not the Tomb of Alexander the Great

Alexander the So-So, Alexander the Meh, Alexander the OK, Alexander the ‘Ight, Alexander the Regular Guy, Alexander the Mediocre, Alexander the Usual, Alexander the Commonplace, Alexander the Ordinary, Alexander the Median, Alexander the All-Too-Familiar, Alexander the Customary, Alexander the Everyday, Alexander the Average, Alexander the Not-Too-Shaky, Alexander the Fair-to-Middling, Alexander the Banal, Alexander the Ho-hum, Alexander the Humdrum, Alexander the Prosaic, Alexander the Normal, Alexander the Typical, Alexander the Solid C, Alexander the Workaday, Alexander the Garden Variety, Alexander the Plain, Alexander the Run-of-the-Mill, Alexander the Conventional, Alexander the Household Sort, Alexander the Middle-of-the Road, Alexander the Intermediate, Alexander the Second Rate, Alexander the Unexceptional, Alexander the Unremarkable, Alexander the Undistinguished, Alexander the Standard, Alexander the Joe-Schmo-Next-Door, Alexander the Everyman, Alexander the Little Guy, Alexander the 99%, Alexander the Good Enough, Alexander the Basic, Alexander the 3 . . . Out of 5, Alexander the Unadorned, Alexander the Off-the-Rack, Alexander the Middle-of-the-Pack, Alexander the Serviceable, Alexander the Will-Have-to-Do, Alexander the Passable, Alexander the Cookie-Cutter Kind, Alexander the No Bells & Whistles, Alexander the No-Frills, Alexander the Pedestrian, Alexander the Acceptable, Alexander the Whatever, Alexander the Adequate, Alexander the Capable, Alexander the Joe Six-Pack, Alexander the Unexceptional, Alexander the Okey-Dokey-Artichokey

See story here.
