It's Back, It's Deep, I Don't Know If It's Playable, Way Back, to the Wall . . .

That's right. After a long hiatus, my web site has returned like Napoleon from exile, so watch your ass, Louis XVII! As before, the site contains sample poems, literary links, an interview from 2003, after I won the Main Street Rag Poetry Book Award, and a smattering of my original "art." New to the site, now visitors can purchase my books directly from me with a click of the mouse. I'm referring to the books I've written, but I suppose if there's something on my shelf you want, make an offer. Like the NSA, I'm listening.       


Zack said…
I didn't think I had read this interview before. Some of it seemed familiar, like maybe I read it when I was your student. But that was a long time ago. Regardless of my familiarity, I really enjoyed it this time (as though I didn't last time?). I especially like your criticism of magazines and publishers. Your wisdom is showing! I also enjoy your literary avatar, though it may be difficult to distinguish it from you, and I mean the "you" you, that is if I know who that is. Seussian, maybe. But at least it wasn't Sousian. Yuck. Listen to me ramble about what I enjoy and what I like. So typical of admirers; always caught up in the admiration itself. The admiration is really about the admirer, and that's what I've done as well. I've turned you into me, or is that "myself?" Yep. Yes it is. Either way, I'm not intending to absorb what it is I appreciate about you. I also don't think I'm drawn to my own appreciation more than your work, your achievements, and you (along with your artistic vision). This would have all been much simpler, less confusing, and less enjoyable had I just said "Great job!" But "Great job!" is never gratifying because that is the escapist phrase for those who don't understand and wish to gratify. You're never gratified by gratification, or are you (rather, is one?)? Perhaps I've ensnared myself in an endless loop of phrasal formulas(?) Or perhaps that's formulaic phrases? Either way it surely means nothing at this point in my rambling. Enjoyed the interview!
Matt Morris said…
My wisdom's showing? Maybe I need a new hat. But you're right. "Great job!" wouldn't make the same impression that your funny, philosophical, free-association "rambling" (as you call it) does. I'm definitely touched, which, admittedly, people have said about me for lo, so many years. For what it's worth, I don't think "admiration is really about the admirer." Rather, it's a two-way street. Thanks!